The Chop Top Challenge is a road rally where teams compete to get the most points while traveling from Chicago to Miami in a car that they chopped the top off of. It will take place from April 1-4, 2016.
The teams that complete the Challenge will meet in Miami on Monday afternoon for party and awards with a cash prize going to the overall winnner. The cash prize will be the total of all the entry fees minus party and related expenses. This could be $10,000 or maybe $81.
Potential Teams: We will take registration until the day before the event, but to register you need to message us with the answers to the following trivia questions about Saved by the Bell (60% is passing):
1. What song was the gang singing when they crashed Lisa’s mom’s car?
2. According to Article 8 in the Bayside School Handbook, all school regulations are subject to review, except for what?
3. What time was it when Jessie had her iconic drug addiction breakdown?
4. What’s the license plate number on Slater’s Malibu classic?
5. What prolific metal band’s t-shirt was Scud wearing when confronted about smoking in the boys bathroom?
6. What is the make of the motorcycle Tori Scott rides?
7. Fill in the blank from the terrible song Zack and Mindy wrote for Zack Attack: “It’s feels so good when you’re around, we’re moving fast ____________”
8. What causes Slater and Zack to reconcile their friendship after the fruit punch fight at the max?
9. How fast was Slater driving when he crashed his motorcycle?
10. What was the asking price of Mr. Corosi’s Mustang?